Friday, 7 December 2007

Moroccanstar Daily forum

Rabat, Dec.5 - Some 383 people were killed in road accidents in October 2007, that is a 23.95% increase compared to the same period in 2006, according to figures released on Wednesday by the Moroccan Ministry of Equipment and Transport.

The 5,976 accidents that were recorded in October injured seriously some 1,189, i.e. a 25.37% increase.

Compared to the first ten months of 2006, there was a 1.8% increase of deaths (3,052 victims), a 0.4% rise of serious injuries (10,117 victims), and a 9.02% increase of accidents (50,977 accidents).

In Morocco, road accidents are referred to as the "war of roads" due to the thousands of lives they claim each year, and they are seen to be one of the deadliest in the world.

Authorities generally blame road accidents on pedestrians' inadvertence, speed excess and non-respect of road regulations.

According to official figures, an average of ten people die daily in traffic accidents in the North African country. Over the past decade, the pace of the death toll rose by 3% a year, causing, besides the death toll, colossal economic losses and costing the State about USD 1.2Bn a year, that is 2.5% of the GDP.

And still people choose to walk on the roads rather than the pavements Rolling Eyes